I have never read a blog that did not have a recipe at the bottom that I quickly scrolled to, bypassing the cookbook advertisements the author was so intent on me seeing.
I am excited. WordPress seems intuitive, the course content for EDCI 336 seems engaging, and maybe by starting a blog I will finally fill that everlasting need for attention, even if its just by the one or two folks who will offer it. If a third shows up I will classify my blog as viral, despite any naysayers who might challenge that label. One can only assume that only one has viewed their blog and they’re jealous of my fame.
I have chosen chess as the focus for my free inquiry, as I have just started learning to play, which is evident by how often I lose, but starting out at the bottom only means I will have tons of “material” to build up with. That was a chess pun, if you didn’t get it then I can wholeheartedly recommend this cool new blog all the kids are talking about that just (abcblog.)opened(.ca) up. I also just enjoy that “A Beginner’s Chess blog” can be shortened to ABCblog which is fitting as a teacher in training.
Jokes aside I am finding how fluid both creating and absorbing information in a blog format can be effective in learning. I cannot fathom the amount of time spent referring to the back of textbook to find a source, to then attempt to find said source online, or even in print! In this format I can easily implement links to sources while maintaining the a bite-sized approachability that might be lacking in other online academic sources. For example, chess has two players. While some people are skeptical I do believe Wikipedia on that one.
Excited to learn with all of you!
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